Symptoms of Depression: How to Identify and Understand Depression from an Islamic Perspective?
Depression is a mental condition that makes a person experience deep sadness, despair, and loneliness. In today's era, the prevalence of this problem is rising among people of all ages. Mental health is also considered an important issue in Islam, and we get many guidance in the Quran and Hadith to solve it. In this article, we will understand the symptoms of depression from the Islamic perspective and learn some ways to identify this condition.
1. Feeling sad all the time
According to Islam, extreme sadness can also be the result of Satan's influence. The Hadith states that if a person's heart turns away from Allah, sadness and despair can overwhelm him.
2. Feeling lonely
In depression, a person often feels lonely. It is stated in Islam that Allah Ta'ala is always with us, and we should not feel alone in any situation. It is said in the Quran that Allah loves his servants more than 70 mothers.
3. Sleep disturbances
In Islam, it is advised to sleep and wake up on time. In the Hadith, it is instructed to wake up early in the morning and sleep early at night, so that the mind and body remain healthy. In depression, a person can suffer from sleep disturbances, which further worsens his mental condition.
4. Loss of interest
A common symptom of depression is that the person loses interest in his favorite things. In Islam, it is said to be necessary to engage in good works for the happiness of the mind. When we keep ourselves busy with good works, our mental condition also improves.
5. Negative thoughts about oneself
In depression, a person often starts thinking negatively about himself. Islam teaches us that we should respect ourselves by considering ourselves as servants of Allah. Negative thinking and considering oneself small can also be the result of Satan's insinuations.
6. Thinking of self-harm
Life is given great importance in Islam. Suicide is considered a big sin. If a person thinks of self-harm, he should immediately ask Allah for help and talk to people close to him.
7. Feeling hopeless about the future
In Islam, we are ordered to have Tawakkul (trust) in Allah. Instead of feeling hopeless about the future, we should believe that Allah is making the best plans for us.
8. Lack of food or excessive eating
Depression also affects a person's appetite. Islam emphasizes a balanced diet. Eating the right amount of food and thanking Allah is important for mental and physical health.
9. Feeling distant from Allah
In depression, a person often feels distant from Allah as well. Prayers and prayers have great importance in Islam. According to the Hadith, when a person is in grief and despair, he should be engrossed in the remembrance of Allah.
10. Ways to ask Allah for help
There are many ways mentioned in Islam to get out of depression:
Dua: Asking Allah for help and praying is the first step.
Namaz: Namaz soothes the heart and relieves mental stress.
Sadqa: Helping someone in need keeps the heart and mind happy.
Surat al-Inshirah: This surah is read to soothe the heart.
Depression is a serious problem that should not be ignored. Mental health has been given special attention in Islam. We should try to overcome it by understanding the symptoms of depression and following Islamic teachings. By remembering Allah and following the path shown by him, we can improve our mental health and find peace in life.
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